Mirrors of life stories. ​25 interesting and curious facts about mirrors. Ghosts from the Mirror

How I wanted to take a step into the Looking Glass, to those who called from another world...

To be honest, I’ve heard before that buying antiques at flea markets is not safe: you never know what kind of energy their previous owners charged them with. But this time I couldn’t resist the temptation!

That day, my friend and I were simply wandering around the bazaar, where, as a rule, older people sell all sorts of utensils. You can understand them: it’s not easy to survive on retirement, and it can be boring, but here communicating with buyers and sellers is something to do. We had no goal of buying anything specific, rather just gawking. The old man at the end of the row immediately caught my attention. The man looked unfriendly: a gloomy face, downturned corners of his lips and gimlet eyes. You know, the ones that seem to drill into you.

We approached his makeshift counter, where there were only a few goods: an antique mirror in a beautiful frame and two candlesticks in the same style, extremely beautiful! They seemed to bear the imprint of something romantic and unusual. For some reason I immediately imagined these things in my apartment, what would they look like?..
- Take it, young lady, this is exactly what you need! - The seller smiled wryly.

I don’t know why, I asked about the price, although until that moment I had no intention of buying anything, that is, absolutely nothing.
- Sell the candlesticks!
- All items are included. By the way, I can give in a little! - The old man did not take his eyes off me.
-Are they old? - I asked.
“Yes, they were made at the beginning of the twentieth century by order of a young woman,” the old man smiled incomprehensibly. - There her soul disappeared, as the legend says...
- You mean disappeared? Where - there? - Katya was surprised.
- She became the first prisoner dark forces“, - the seller vaguely explained and again began to persuade him to buy the goods.
He spoke so insistently that I purchased the entire set, paid, then called a taxi, since the mirror was quite heavy.

A few seconds later the old man caught up with us, touched my hand and said guiltily:
- Sorry, girl, I don’t see any other way out...
- What are you talking about? - Katya asked him.
But the strange man did not answer, turned around and left. “Some kind of crazy guy! It’s a great purchase, I like it!” - flashed through my head. All the way home my friend kept nagging:
- Well, why the hell do you need this junk? I once read: in the old days they were called “the gift of the devil”; it was believed that with the reflection you could get damaged. The grandmother told me that a mirror that reflects a sleeping person can take away from him vital energy. People start getting sick, but no one can find the reasons!

Towards evening I called Artem, an old friend and secret admirer. I liked him too, but I was not yet ready to rebuild myself and see my future groom in my childhood friend.
- Temka, hello! Need help! I bought one interesting thing - an antique mirror, I should hang it on the wall!
Needless to say, twenty minutes later he was at my place, looked at my purchases with interest, and even praised me:

The thing is truly rare! Look, even the name of the owner or craftsman is inscribed on the back of the frame! It seems like Maria! I wonder who she is? Actually, an antique mirror is a dangerous thing! The reflective surface is an abyss that connects human reality and certain creatures living beyond our understanding in a mysterious subtle world.
- You and Katka were enough with your deep knowledge! They are all such erudites and intellectuals! One of your friends, that is me, is stupid! - I grinned.
We drank a glass of wine, washed our purchase, and Artem left. I wanted to take a few more sips.

She placed candles in the candlesticks, lit them and sat down to rest. The mirror reflected me, sitting in a chair, part of the room, desk. She finished the wine, put the glass on the nightstand and, without even noticing, dozed off. I dreamed strangers, of different genders and ages, dressed in the fashion of the last century. Some were calm, looking around indifferently, others beckoned to them. The young woman in the hat especially attracted attention. There was such longing and silent prayer in her eyes that her heart sank. Others appeared in front of me for a couple of seconds and disappeared, but she remained in place. At some point, a silhouette of a man appeared near the beauty, but quickly disappeared into the darkness. Suddenly the flames of the candles began to flutter, and there was a chill from somewhere...

In horror, I woke up, walked to the mirror on stiff legs and was stunned: everything that I dreamed of a few seconds ago was happening there, in another dimension. She turned on the light, blew out the candles - and the terrible visions disappeared. I couldn’t sleep for some time: I was scared to close my eyes - I was afraid that the ghosts would return again. So I fell asleep with the floor lamp on. In the morning I tried not to remember the nightmare, the day passed as usual.

I was so tired that I didn’t even want to have dinner. She poured the wine, turned off the table lamp and lit the candles. I didn’t even have time to move back to the chair: something made me look back. I saw: the mirror suddenly transformed. Visions from my terrible dream appeared in it! People from the Looking Glass beckoned. I touched the cold surface and suddenly felt terrible weakness, as if someone invisible had taken all my energy. I was drawn to their world! And the strangest thing is that there was no strength or desire to resist. Moreover, I wanted to go there!

At that moment someone rang the doorbell. I think that's what saved it. I touched the cold surface and suddenly felt terrible weakness. Artem stood on the threshold:
- Hello, Svetka! Why are you so pale? - he asked worriedly. Are you sick? Or have you squeezed out all the juice at work again? It's time to send them away!
-What did you want? - she responded rather unfriendly to his words.

At that moment I wanted one thing: to look once again into the beyond. mirror world.
“I was just passing by,” Temka answered. - Sorry it's so late: it's almost ten in the evening.
- Well, come in, since you came! I’m too lazy to make tea, but I can offer you some wine.
- Svetka, something is happening to you! I've never seen you like this! - the friend did not calm down. - And why are you happy drinking alone? Have you fallen in love?
- If this happens, how will you best friend I'll tell you first. Temka, don’t be offended, I’m really tired as a dog! The boss is especially atrocious at the end of the month.

When my friend left, I really wanted to repeat the experiment and see those who lived on the other side of reality, but something was holding me back. I slept again with the light on... And at night I had the same dream: ghost people silently called to them...

The next day was a day off, and I decided to go to the market to find the peasant seller. He wasn’t there, but one granny suggested the address, believing my long and confusing story about why I needed to see the old man. The man winced with displeasure when he opened the door for me.

Have you seen them too? - he asked dully. - These are prisoners of dark forces. As legend has it, the set was made by order of a young girl, Maria. With the help of candles and a mirror, she wanted to bewitch her lover. Apparently, she fell into a magical tunnel that can connect two worlds: the living and the dead. She performed the rituals at night, when the portal is most susceptible to the movements of otherworldly energy. The poor thing was found dead near the mirror... Since then, the soul lost in the Looking Glass takes everyone who sees their reflection in the candle flame. Forgive me for selling it to you. This is the only way to get rid of the desire to go through the looking glass. I advise you to do the same. Either sell it or give it away... There is no way to throw it away: they will come back...

But this cannot be! - I screamed.
- Recently, your humble servant bought a house with this damn mirror in addition. It was lying in the attic. You can probably guess the rest? They also came to me... - the seller admitted.
“Then I started asking local residents who lived in the house before. They told about the beautiful Maria and her unrequited love. Mirror, exposing magic spells, passed through itself energy from the subtle world and affected the mind of a person sitting in front of him in the flickering light of candles, causing hallucinations and forcing him to see phantoms that, perhaps, were not there at all. Get rid of him, girl...

Until the evening I wandered around the city, afraid to go home, because I knew for sure: I would light the candles again. I didn’t want to become another prisoner of the Looking Glass. Then she called Artem and asked him to come.
- But I didn’t come then by chance. My heart sank strangely, I became afraid for you. So I came to the point... - said my old friend.
- Thank you. You saved my life! - I almost cried.

A homeless man often spent the night under our windows, so I offered him a rarity so that he could take it to the salvage yard and make money. Three days later we learned that the man who had been collecting all sorts of rubbish from trash bins had disappeared without a trace. In the basement where he spent the night, they found an antique mirror and two candlesticks with burnt candles. Here is another unfortunate prisoner of the dark forces... I don’t know who got the dangerous rarity after the poor guy...

A couple of months ago I caught myself thinking that I had the same nightmare every night. In this nightmare, I “emerge” from one dream into another (I have a nightmare, I wake up, but then it turns out that this is also a nightmare, but a different one) and so on several nightmares (about 3-4). The plot and order of the nightmares are always the same, completely identical (that is, after “awakening” in the next nightmare, I remember all the plots of all the previous ones). Moreover, I understand that this is a dream, but I can’t wake up until I “finish” the last one. After the last one I really woke up.

It happened that during the night I had this nightmare within a nightmare 2-3 times, that is, after actually waking up, I would go to bed and the nightmare within a nightmare would begin again.

This happened when I was 22 years old. I lived in a rented apartment with my fiance and a cat. That evening the groom was at work, so I whiled away the time in the company of my beloved cat. I must say that my cat is very, very strange. If she is dissatisfied with something or if she doesn’t like someone or something, she begins to growl loudly, whether the neighbors are making noise in the entrance, or the intercom is ringing, or she simply doesn’t like the guest who came to us. In fact, it is very funny from the outside, we even joke that she behaves like a big and angry dog.

My story is not so much scary as it is strange.

I live alone and, as always, in the evening before going to bed, I went to the shower. I had just turned on the water when a strange knock was heard from the corridor. I froze, because I was alone in the apartment, there were no animals either.

Having calmed down a little, assuring myself that I had heard it, I turned on the water again. The knock was repeated and the light suddenly went out. I was so scared that I couldn’t even scream, but the worst was yet to come.

Suddenly a crash was heard from the hallway broken mirror. I have never experienced such horror before! The light turned on again, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave the bathroom, I already regretted that I didn’t have a mobile phone nearby to call my parents.

Let me start with the fact that Tanya and Misha are an ordinary young family. They got married in 2010, took out a mortgage, bought a two-room apartment in a Khrushchev building, gave birth to a son, and a year later another one.
Tanya worked in a bank before maternity leave, Misha works in an international IT company, writes programs, goes on business trips to Italy and France, brings gifts, takes the family to the sea, goes with my husband to the bathhouse and fishing, often the whole family comes to for the weekend (we live outside the city). Misha works with my husband in the same company, only my husband tests the programs that Misha writes. Something like this...

In general, one day, when Misha and Tanya had only one son, we met as families in nature.

We were all children once. And we all loved to do all sorts of stupid things, like telling fortunes and summoning all sorts of devils and “foul-mouthed gnomes.” But did we know then what could happen to us and what it could lead to? Hardly.

One day my friends and I decided to tell fortunes on mirrors. They brought two huge mirrors from somewhere and placed them opposite each other. We lit candles and were just about to start casting some kind of “spell” when, fortunately for us, the mother of one of the girls burst into the room.

Seeing what we were doing, she instantly turned on the light and put out the candles. I have never seen a person in such hysterics. She just screamed at us, and when she calmed down, we asked why she was so panicked.

I read somewhere on the Internet a single sentence - they say, if you look into your eyes in the mirror for a long time, you will see the devil - and I remembered one incident from my life. I didn’t know anything about it then - I just came back from the street one day, started unbuttoning my jacket and looked in the mirror. I combed my hair and looked again. And somehow it happened that I began to amuse myself by looking at my reflection without taking my eyes off it.

- Break it! Break that damn mirror!

I haven't seen my face for about a year. I don't know what I look like or what hairstyle I have now. At first I shaved by touch, and when I got tired of wiping the blood from cuts from my face, I gave up this activity. I decided that sometimes I would just trim my beard with scissors, but then I stopped doing that too.

There is not a single reflective surface in my house. A year ago, I threw out all the mirrors except one, sold the TV, covered the windows with fabric, and even pulled out all the glass inserts from the cabinets and bedside tables. In addition to all this, all the metal parts of the interior went to the trash heap. I eat from earthenware with a wooden spoon, I dress in clothes without fasteners or buttons, there is nothing left in my house that can reflect.

I rarely go outside. Shop windows, parked car windows, empty bottles and even people's eyes... I don't want to see any of this.

It all started the day I bought that vintage mirror at a flea market. Some grandmother was selling it and I just felt sorry for her. In addition, the mirror was really interesting - the openwork baguette and a slight touch of aristocratic yellowness gave it an enigmatic and mysterious look. I decided to hang it in the bathroom.

That morning I went into the bathroom, washed my face, took a toothbrush from the shelf and began to clean myself up. After I finished brushing my teeth, I looked at my reflection. Something was wrong. At first I didn’t even understand what exactly, but something definitely changed. I looked at the mirror from all sides, trying to understand what exactly was causing my anxious feeling, but, in the end, deciding that all this was the consequences of my eternal lack of sleep, I went about my usual business.

But an incomprehensible feeling did not let me go all day. On my way to work, my gaze fell several times on reflections in store windows. And every time a little spider somewhere inside me began to move its legs, causing the same unpleasant and incomprehensible emotions.

I unraveled this mystery only a few days later, when, going into the bathroom, I finally understood what exactly was confusing me about my reflection. The fact is that his movements lagged behind mine. It repeated all my actions, but did it with a delay. At first, with a difference of hundredths of a second, but every day his movements became slower and slower. Within a week, it entered the bathroom ten seconds after I was there. After a month I had to wait about a minute for him.

I quit my job to avoid unnecessary questions from colleagues, who sooner or later would have noticed that my reflection appeared in the entrance window even when I was sitting in my office. I began to leave the house less and less after the commotion I caused at a public transport stop. Some elderly woman began shouting throughout Ivanovskaya that she saw a demon. At the same time, she pointed her finger at me and the glass wall of the bus stop, in which, naturally, my reflection was not there. That time, people simply called an ambulance for this woman, and I quickly got lost in the crowd. I don’t even know how it all ended. I hope that everything is fine with her and that she was taken away before my reflection finally reached the stop.

In addition to these oddities, over time I began to notice that my reflection began to look worse and worse. Black circles appeared under the eyes, the skin turned yellow, and movements became somewhat uncertain. The look became duller, and wrinkles appeared on the face. A couple of weeks later, the reflection ran into the bathroom and then vomited into the sink right in front of my eyes. After that, it began to live its own life. Now it didn’t just lag behind me, now it didn’t even try to repeat my actions. And, apparently, it was slowly dying.

One day I tried to talk to him. I screamed and hit the mirror with my fingers, but it didn’t hear me. Not only that, but it also lost consciousness right in the bathroom, sprawled out on the cold floor. I immediately rushed to the phone to call an ambulance, but immediately realized how stupid and dangerous situation I will put myself in danger when the doctors enter my home.

All this lasted about a month. Whatever I tried to do. I wrote the names of medications on a piece of paper and leaned them against the mirror, I screamed, waved my arms and banged my head against it, but it was all in vain. The reflection either didn’t see me, or in its reality nothing unusual happened in the mirror.

My reflection died in the evening. I waited for him in the bathroom for a long time, and then, without waiting, I opened the door and looked in the mirror again. The reflection lay on the floor in the hallway. The face was almost purple, the remains of foam were visible on the lips, and the eyes were fixed directly on me. I leaned my forehead against the glass and just looked at it, tears flowed down my cheeks in two streams, but I couldn’t do anything. Finally, his lips moved. He tried to tell me something, but I didn't hear him. He died before my eyes.

That same evening I went outside to get some fresh air and think about what I should do next. I sat down on a bench in front of the shopping center window and waited. Neither an hour nor two later the reflection appeared. All this time the bench remained empty.

Yes, it really died and is now lying there in the hallway. After his death, I began to deal with all the reflective surfaces in my house. I took pity on the mirror in the bathroom and just covered it with a towel. Only once, three months after the death of the reflection, did I remove the cloth from the mirror and look into it. A half-decomposed corpse spread across the floor is all that remains of him. This sight immediately made me nauseous and vomited into the washbasin. After that I never looked there again.

Now I'm lying on the bed and thinking that it all started with the purchase of this damn mirror. I don't believe all these stories, but it seems to me more and more that I need to get rid of him. I'll probably do that. All that remains is to crawl to the bathroom... I feel very bad. Now, a little more... Now, I’m already in the hallway, I’ll open the door now... I feel really bad... There it hangs. The towel is barely holding on to him; it’s about to fall off. Oh, it's so bad...

Mirrors have been shrouded in mystery since their inception. They were seen as portals to other worlds, magical attributes that could show the future and change fate.

Human imagination has made mirrors part of legends. Despite the fact that most of them have no rational basis, they are still alive.

The secrets of mirrors that scientists talk about

- A mirror can cause hallucinations. The human brain is a unique instrument, the capabilities of which have not yet been fully explored. To test the version of hallucinations, it is enough to conduct a small experiment. You need to sit in front of the mirror, dim the light and just carefully examine your reflection.

After a while, you will feel that your face does not belong to you; a fantastic copy of yourself will look at you from the mirror. Quite often, such experiments lead to people beginning to see strange and, sometimes frightening, visions in the mirror surface. In scientific circles, this effect is called “meeting the other self” and is successfully used in psychiatry. - Mirror therapy. One of the striking examples of how a highly efficient human mind can be deceived was shown by an experiment with phantom limbs. The mirror is installed vertically so that the reflection of the healthy limb “replaces” the missing one. When a person, for example, sees both of his hands (although he has lost one of them), it seems to him that he again has a healthy body, he cannot leave the feeling that the reflection in the mirror is his hand.

Real and fake mirrors. Normal reflection shows a person "upside down" right side- on the right, and the left - on the left. But there are also real mirrors, or as they are also called “true” mirrors. The reflection in them is shown as other people see you.

This effect can also be observed at home. Two mirrors are installed perpendicular to each other; you need to look at the reflection from these mirrors.

- A “smart” mirror exists. This is an unusual media medium that is designed to select and display advertising to the target audience. As soon as a person approaches, the mirror comes to life and shows a video that could potentially interest the person who approaches.

The miracle mirror has a special system built into it that recognizes and processes the image. It determines age, gender, emotional mood and displays a suitable video on the screen. The probability of hitting the target is 85%, but experts are working to increase the accuracy of the system to 98%. Similar technology has been used for the needs of the beauty industry. A media personality can provide expert advice to help you look your best.

The mirror is the key to the secret. There is a whole movement in art associated with mirrors. You can see what is depicted in many anamorphic paintings only in reflection. Leonardo da Vinci is recognized as the creator of this trend.

Mirror rides

Mirrors can not only scare people with their amazing capabilities, but also entertain. At the beginning of the 20th century, the so-called Palaces of Illusions came into fashion. One of the first mirror attractions appeared at the Paris World Exhibition and was simply wildly popular.

Its operating principle is simple: a huge pavilion was built up with a number of full-length mirrors. Thus, the one who entered inside had a crazy illusion of being in a crowd. Add to this the suspiciousness of the people of that time and you get a frenzied excitement around the unique attraction.

Even today, mirrors are often used to create unusual effect to the amusement of the crowd. At the Disney amusement park there is an Infinity Hall, where two mirrors are installed opposite each other. Naturally, the reflection of the mirrors in each other is multiplied an infinite number of times, this became the main “highlight” of the attraction.

Mysticism of mirrors

Associated with mirrors huge amount beliefs and legends that have become so firmly entrenched in our lives that mystical rituals have become a habit for some:

If you break a mirror, don’t despair, you need to throw the salt over your shoulder, turn clockwise, collect the mirrors in paper and throw them away.

Another persistent myth is that vampires are not reflected in the mirror. This is due to the fact that otherworldly entities in our world there are only guests, and mirrors for them are a portal to enter another world. That is why they will not be able to admire their own reflection.

In a house with a deceased person, the first thing to do is cover the mirrors. It is believed that it is through the mirror that terrible ghosts can enter the house. In addition, the soul of the deceased himself can be “stuck” in the mirror and suffer until the end of time.

Mirrors can attract good luck if you work with them correctly. Standing in front of the mirror, smile at yourself and tell yourself that you can handle anything. Positive energy will literally be absorbed into the mirror and become an excellent protector of your home.

For the same reason, you need to look in the mirror when you return home if you forgot something. With your reflection, you will restore the protection of your home and can safely continue on your way.

There is a belief that a mirror can double profits if it reflects beautiful things, or cause financial ruin if it reflects unpleasant things - dirty laundry, a toilet bowl or any other garbage.

The most famous mirrors

Mirrors rarely have names. It's so a common thing in the house that you remember about her only when she is not at hand at the right moment. However, there are mirrors about which they write stories, make films, or dream of seeing at least a glimpse.

Mirror. Entrance to another world

Bagua Mirror

It is famous for its unique ability reflect negative energy and is one of the essential tools for any follower of the Feng Shui philosophy.

The shape of the mirror itself and the individual sectors on its sides form a powerful tandem for attracting positive energy and negative reflections. Like any tool, it can be used for good and for harm. Perhaps only Feng Shui masters know the complete rules. We’ll tell you about the most important thing: you shouldn’t look in this mirror.

Mysterious Chinese mirrors

There are bronze mirrors, the mystery of which is still being puzzled by the best minds of humanity. They were found in several ancient Chinese tombs and consist of a small disc with a bronze reflective surface. On the reverse side they are decorated with hieroglyphs and mystical signs.

The main mystery is that the sun's rays falling on its surface trigger the appearance of light signs that are in no way connected with the reverse side of the mysterious object. Cave-grotto Ama-no-Iwato, in which the goddess hid

The most interesting fact The thing associated with it is that none of the mere mortals have seen it. It is located on the territory ancient temple and is carefully guarded as one of the symbols of imperial power (along with the jasper pendants of Yakasani no Magatama and the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi). Appearance The mirror is also unknown to anyone, because it is stored in a special case, which is sealed personally by the emperor himself.

Cellini's magic mirror

Every beautiful woman would happily agree to preserve her youth forever. For a long time it has been a cherished thing for many ladies magic mirror, which could make this dream come true.

According to legend, the sculptor Benvenuto Cellini managed to create a similar thing. The first owner of this coveted item was Diane de Poitiers, the main favorite of the French emperor of the 16th century. It is believed that it was the mirror that helped Diana become the only and beloved woman of the monarch, who was 20 years younger than her, it also attracted a huge crowd of fans to her feet and gave her eternal youth.

Mirror of Benvenuto Cellini. The secret of eternal beauty.

The owners of this mysterious mirror are considered to be Isadora Duncan, Marlene Dietrich and Anna Judique. Maybe that’s why the beauty of these women inspired poets and composers, and they themselves are still considered the standards of femininity.

The editors of the site recommend that you read the article about the most mysterious civilizations.
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A mirror is one of those objects that evoke awe and reverence. A mirror is a magical object that is used by witches and sorcerers to perform secret rituals. Since ancient times, our ancestors were afraid of mirrors and although modern world These legends are more related to prejudices; many continue to believe in the signs and horrors of the world of mirrors.

Source: cdn.fishki.net

The history of mirrors is very ancient. Of course, first of all, people looked at the reflection on the surface of the water. To save money, water was collected in a basin and placed in the house to look at, instead of a mirror.
Over time, they got tired of bending over and began to look for other reflective surfaces - polished iron, steel, etc. The Egyptians used rubbed bronze, which they hung on the wall. In the middle of the 16th century, tin foil began to be glued in France. In 1372, the Germans opened the first workshop for the production of flat mirrors, which were invented in Venice.

Source: farm4.staticflickr.com

It is surprising that even today people remain full of superstitions associated with mirrors, and this despite the fact that this is the age of enlightenment, the development of civilization has risen to enormous heights. A fallen and broken mirror is examined with bated breath, they hang up mirrors, wipe mirrors after unwanted guests, look in the mirror if they happen to return home for something forgotten, etc.

Source: snitsya-son.ru

In the 19th century, the German scientist Karl von Reichenbach argued that radiation from the eyes, reflected from the mirror, can cause a serious blow to health, because accumulates in every person negative energy, and with age there is also a failure of information, which is precisely the aging process. Looking at ourselves in the mirror, we send our negativity into it. It comes back to us, strengthened, and we age faster.

Source: i.ytimg.com

Ancient legends say that a mirror is a vampire, which contains negative energy. Especially scary are other people's mirrors and mirrors that were present during a quarrel, murder or torture. They say that in the presence of such mirrors, church candles go out.

Source: kp.cdn.yandex.net

Since ancient times, it was believed that if you do not close the mirrors in the house of the deceased, then his soul may remain in them. If the mirror does open, it must be broken so that the soul of the deceased leaves.

Source: i.ytimg.com

In the Russian tradition, mirrors have always been treated with suspicion. It was called “the gift of the devil” - it was believed that through the mirror one could not only receive damage, but also pass it on to loved ones. Ivan the Terrible, who fought against damage and the evil eye, ordered that only blind craftsmen make mirrors for his wife.

Source: otvet.imgsmail.ru

And people say that the mirror is “a gift from Satan” - so that a person can talk to himself. At the same time, according to legend, the mirror reflects from the owner negative energy. It was customary to hang small mirrors on oneself, this custom is especially known in Europe, where mirrors were hung on children, as well as on the outside of houses or mirrored windows were made.

Source: images.bankoboev.ru

Many beliefs are associated with mirrors.
For example, a full-length reflective mirror takes away energy, babies are not brought near mirrors - there will be problems with teething, you cannot eat in front of a mirror - you will eat beauty, you cannot swear in front of it, look into it during illness, and under no circumstances should you take mirrors from the dead or mirrors with an unknown past.

Signs of the zodiac